Monday, October 11, 2010

The Truth of GMO Products

Not many people notice much more than the calorie index on the back of their food products. Although most consumers have some awareness about the attributes of organic agriculture, they know very little about agriculture biotechnology. What if I told you that most of the food you were putting into your mouth was genetically modified and you had no idea. Corn for instance is labeled as an insecticide rather than a food. The FDA strongly encourages companies to label genetically modified food as well as to test the foods for allergens, yet this is not a mandatory procedure and few companies follow through with these recommendations. By making the labeling of genetically modified foods mandatory, society will be aware of side effects associated with GMO food, people with allergies can avoid allergic reactions to GMO foods, and society would be able to choose weather the want to consume GMO foods or not. Resolved: That Genetically Modified Foods should be labeled.

I. Society will be aware of side effects associated with GMO products.
a. Wide range of health hazards associated with genetically modified foods.
“Proven health hazards from genetically engineered foods already mentioned include the production of carcinogens, a rise in level of toxins, resistance to antibiotics, and allergic reactions”.
Epstein, D. R. (n.d.). Untitled. Retrieved April 1, 2009, from

b. GM foods can have hazardous genes that can be transferable to human genes.
“The effects of every gene is determined by the total situation in the cell. When genes are transferred to a foreign environment, their effects is therefore inevitably unpredictable. Unexpected substances may appear, which may be harmful.”
Genetic Engineering - important news. (n.d.). Retrieved April 1, 2009, from

II. People with allergies to GMO foods can avoid allergic reactions.
a. After GM soy was introduced to the UK soy allergies jumped 50 percent.
“Soy allergies jumped 50% in the U.K. just after GM soy was introduced.2 If GM soy was the cause, it may be due to several things. The GM protein that makes Roundup Ready Soy resistant to the herbicide does not have a history of safe use in humans and may be an allergen. In fact, sections of its amino acid sequence are identical to known allergens”
Smith, J. (n.d.). Article point of view: genetically modified foods unsafe? Evidence that links GM foods to allergic responses mounts genetic engineering & biotechnology news - Biotechnology from bench to business. Retrieved April 1, 2009, from

b. Unpredicted changes were discovered in the DNA GM soy.
“A mutated section of soy DNA was found near the transgene, which may contribute to some unpredicted effects. Moreover, between this scrambled DNA and the transgene is an extra transgene fragment, not discovered until years after soy was on the market.”
Smith, J. (n.d.). Article point of view: genetically modified foods unsafe? Evidence that links GM foods to allergic responses mounts genetic engineering & biotechnology news - Biotechnology from bench to business. Retrieved April 1, 2009, from

III. Society should have the choice weather they want to consume GMO foods.
a. There is not enough research to prove safety with GMO foods. “Americans are eating genetically modified food without their knowledge. There is not enough research to prove the safety of inserting genes into fruits, vegetables, and other foods.”
McCuen. (n.d.). Should genetically modified foods be labeled?. Retrieved April 1, 2009, from

b. Not labeling GMO foods shows a general disregard to free society.
“The overwhelming number of people naturally want to know what is in the food they are buying. Labeling for all kinds of ingredients is already required. In many cases the need for labeling of certain kinds of ingredients is not as urgent as for labeling of genetically engineered foods. Free choice in the food we buy is dependent on information on the content of the food. You cannot identify genetically engineered food just by looking at it. Without labeling citizens are denied what should be their fundamental right. Labeling genetically engineered foods in no way restricts the rights of those people who do decide to purchase and consume them.”
Epstein, D. R. (n.d.). untitled. retrieved April 1, 2009, from
In conclusion, by making it mandatory for GM foods to be labeled society will become more aware of the side effects associated with GMO foods, people with allergens will be able to identify GMO foods that they are allergic too, and society will be able to make the decision to buy GMO products.

Vocabulary Term:
boisterous: enthusiastic, loud
conformist: someone who follows the majority

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Food Industry's Dangerous Lies

False and misleading nutrition information is being sold to the unsuspecting public through convincing TV, radio, magazine and newspaper ads and not to mention brilliantly designed marketing campaigns.

Advertised as the latest and greatest new "healthy" foods, chemically based and unnatural synthetic food additives, such as high fructose corn syrup, are being promoted as safe and "made from food." Due to the fact that millions of Americans are becoming more conscious of healthier food choices, manufacturers have resulted to telling the public that these fake foods with their artificial ingredients are good for them.

The known, yet disregarded fact that the food industry is behind the media displayed nutritional information is the major contributor of the continued production of most of the unhealthy food available in our grocery stores. The food industry does not care about cancer, heart disease, diabetes, or obesity, only the advancement and furthered success of their companies.

An article from, a website dedicated to providing healthy living information, discusses the how the food industry promotes high fructose corn syrup. As a television viewer, I have seen countless advertisements concerning high fructose corn syrup and how it has been unfairly given a bad name. "The food industry is advertising how HFCS is made from corn, doesn't have artificial ingredients, has the same calories as sugar and is fine when used in moderation." However, warns that the influencing commercials are nothing but propaganda. "They're brainwashing you into believing that highly processed, high fructose corn syrup is just like sugar, is okay to eat and is not going to adversely affect your health."

The website disclaims that the USDA, has found otherwise.

Unfortunately due to the media's mass communication attributes, the USDA's warning has been overlooked by millions of Americans. Resulting in high amounts of health problems, and directly sending these Americans to their health care providers.

It is so upsetting that deceiving, yet wealthy industries have the power to submit such lies to the public. I would definitely appreciate if an advocate or policy-maker would step up to this challenge and fight for the well-being of our nation's people.

For my next entry, I will look into such advocates and policy makers and research the work that they have created.

anachronistic: out of the context of time, out of date
ephemeral: fleeting, temporary